BlogTalk Radio is a place where our Practitioners and Teachers talk about different aspects of Interior Alignment® and how it relates to your life.
What is Space Clearing?
Let’s talk about what exactly a space clearing is and its benefits. Have you ever walked into a room after an argument and still felt the tension in the air? Are there spaces in your home or office space that feel a little heavy or dark? Learn when you can do a space clearing, how the process works and the wonderful things that you can bring into your space.
We will focus on the powerful and individualized Interior Alignment® Seven Star Blessing Space Clearing™ that not only removes stuck energy but also infuses the space with new energy desired by the client that will support and nurture them in their home.
Interior Alignment® is a Feng Shui and Space Clearing system that embraces a holistic, intuitive approach bringing together the best of the mystical traditions of the East and native cultures around the globe, and the practical modern methods of the West, uniquely combining the principles of Feng Shui, Space Clearing, sacred ceremony, healthy homes and the power of intention.
Felicia D’Haiti is a Teacher of Advanced Interior Alignment® and Medicine Wheel Feng Shui™, holding certification programs in the Washington, DC Metro area. She provides feng shui and space clearing services as well as workshops. To connect with Felicia, visit her website: www.feliciadhaiti.com, or her facebook page: www.facebook.com/SoulTransformations.
Medicine Wheel Feng Shui and the Seasons
Feng shui are two Chinese words used to describe how the ancient Chinese Geomancers worked with the land and the sky and other powerful aspects of nature to magically transforms ones life. Indigenous culture all over the world recognized the power of the directions, the season, colors and symbolism, and utilized them in ceremony, creating altars, and inspiring their living areas.
Join Master Educator LuAnn Cibik, to discover the ways you can honor the cycles of nature in your home and life, and reap the benefits of working WITH nature and not against her forces. Medicine Wheel feng shui is a system that looks at your home based on compass directions. It acknowledges that energy that is in the Northern Hemisphere moves a different way than energy in the Southern Hemisphere and uses a different energy map to work this the energy needed. We also honor that each being is a member of a different elemental clan, and the home for your soul will reflect that elements qualities to give you the most support, and a feeling that really feels like HOME!
LuAnn Cibik lives near Pittsburgh PA and is one of the few worldwide Master Educators of Interior Alignment, teaching all levels of certification for the International Institute of Interior Alignment. She has been a key member of the IA Foundation Council since 2003, and continues to assist Denise Linn closely with many certification programs and events. She offers certification in Interior Alignment at her home and retreat center on 66 acres of woodlands and meadows, and adores assisting her graduates find happiness and success through the use of their feng shui and space clearing skills. You can find out more about her upcoming classes at www.innerharmonyfengshuischool.com.
Let Your Life Bloom
Join Terry Bowen, Advanced IA/Medicine Wheel Feng Shui practitioner and LuAnn Cibik, Master Educator of Interior Alignment to learn how to use the power of springtime to launch your LIFE DREAMS!
The spring equinox is filled with action energy for your new adventures in life. Learn great tips for powerful clearing clutter, ways you can nurture your dreams, and how to use the energy of plants and air to encourage your life to blossom in beautiful ways.
Medicine Wheel Feng Shui connects with the energy of nature, the four elements and the power of the season, to create a powerful and empowering space.
Feng Shui for Creativity!
In this episode, Join host LuAnn Cibik and guest Cindy Garreton for 10 tips on how you can use the power of Feng Shui to inspire your creativity. Writers have writer’s blocks. Artists also feel stuck occasionally. Join us and discover how to set your imagination free!!! As Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
Interior Alignment® is a Feng Shui and Space Clearing system that embraces a holistic, intuitive approach bringing together the best of the mystical traditions of the East and native cultures around the globe, and the practical modern methods of the West, uniquely combining the principles of Feng Shui, Space Clearing, sacred ceremony, healthy homes and the power of intention.
LuAnn Cibik is a Teacher of Advanced Interior Alignment® and Medicine Wheel Feng Shui™, holding certification programs in the Pittsburgh PA USA area. She provides feng shui and space clearing services as well as workshops. To connect with LuAnn, visit her website: www.innerharmonyfengshuischool.com.
Cindy Garreton is an Interior Designer/ Feng Shui Expert with her own business in Portland, Oregon area. She integrated feng shui into her design work 17 years ago and continues to do this full time. She is also a Master Educator and teaches various IA certification classes, Cindy teaches all over the U.S. and near Amsterdam, Netherlands. You can contact Cindy through her website at: cindygarretoninteriordesign.com