Feng Shui and Space Clearing
Interior Alignment® embraces a client centered, holistic, intuitive approach of working with people and their spaces. We bring together the best of the mystical traditions of the East and native cultures around the globe, uniquely combining the principles of Feng Shui, Space Clearing, sacred ceremony, healthy homes and the power of intention and our deep connection to our dwellings.
Find a Practitioner
Licensed Interior Alignment® practitioners are located all around the world. Many of them work in person but also offer distance consultations and clearings over the telephone or internet to help you create a home that is in alignment with your goals, needs and what you love. Find a Practitioner

Denise Linn
Founder of Interior Alignment®
Denise Linn created the Interior Alignment® system of Feng Shui and Space Clearing after studying cultures around the world and their ability to work with their space to create healing and uplifting environments. She wrote the second book in English on feng shui and has been the key note speaker and presenter at feng shui conferences around the world. Denise trained practitioners worldwide until 2003 when she trained Master Teachers to continue this work.
Denise is an internationally renowned teacher in the field of self-development. She’s the author of the bestseller ‘Sacred Space’ and the award-winning ‘Feng Shui for the Soul,’ and has written 18 books, which are available in 29 languages. Denise has appeared in numerous documentaries and television shows worldwide, and gives seminars throughout the world. She has been a featured guest on Oprah, Lifetime, Discovery Channel, BBC TV, NBC and CBS. She is also the founder of the The Linn Academy which has a number of certification programs centered around home and heart.
“A home is more than a place to lay your head and seek comfort from the elements.
It is a crossing point in time and space that can attract energy or repel energy.
Your home can be a place of renewal and hope.
It can be a sanctuary within which you can retreat and recharge.”
Become a Practitioner
International Institute of Interior Alignment® School
If you are interested in a new career, enhancing what you know already or looking to understand Feng Shui, Space Clearing and Sacred Space for yourself, then you can find a teacher near you that would help you with the next steps to take.

Feng Shui and Space Clearing Tips from Our Practitioners
New ALL ONLINE Instinctive Feng Shui Certification in 2022
As we celebrate this new lunar new year, I hope that you and your loved ones are okay and wish you...
Feng Shui for Creativity & Learning
With Felicia D'Haiti and Terry BowenHave you or your child ever been unable to focus in a...
Organizing. Decluttering. Feng Shui.
by Dorena KohrsOrganizing, decluttering and feng shui are often lumped into one...
Space Clearing and Working with Nature’s Energy
To me, its been a very natural part of living, to space clear the energy in my home. I have always been drawn to using feathers, smoke, candles, oils, flowers and calling on spirit for guidance whilst doing so.
Three years ago now, I just so happened to notice Denise Linn’s on line course in “Space Clearing” On the Hay House website, to me this just made sense to go ahead and do the course. I had met Denise over 20 years ago, she was in Sydney Australia doing a Past Life Regression weekend workshop, which was amazing, and I loved her energy then.
Color and Interior Alignment Consultations
Color and Interior Alignment Consultationsby Diantha Harris Most of us who practice...
How To Create a Nature Inspired Space
How To Create a Nature Inspired Space by Belina Costa During my daily routine, I...
Ways to Learn more from Our Practitioners

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